

I'm having trouble to use this feature to show number of comments.

"The fb:comments-count tag will emit the number of comments on your URL in a <span> tag. You can then style this however appropriate to match your site. Note this is currently not available in HTML5. For example, to show the number of comments on"

<fb:comments-count href=></fb:comments-count> awesome comments 


The error is: xsltApplySequenceConstructor: failed to find extension comments-count

The XSLT processor sees fb: as a namespace. The solution is to output the tag as text:

<xsl:text disable-output-escaping="yes">&lt;fb:comments-count href=>&lt;/fb:comments-count></xsl:text>

Now that is a very ugly solution. You should rather try and use namespaces correctly.

Regarding facebbok, do they really think that this tag should be in the HTML standard? That's a joke, isn't it?

do they really think that this tag should be in the HTML standard? That's a joke, isn't it?

Where does it say that?

In the corresponding Facebook docs scroll down to the first question of the FAQ section. They say:

The fb:comments-count tag will emit the number of comments on your URL in a <span> tag. You can then style this however appropriate to match your site. Note this is currently not available in HTML5. For example, to show the number of comments on

I think they're meaning namespaces, not that the tag should be available. Namespaces aren't available in HTML5.

Namespaces aren't available in HTML5.

I should keep my mouth shut. I've said this before and it isn't true, and I proved myself wrong last time too.

LOL. It's best to sleep from time to time, people say.

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