
I'm having this error

UPDATE sym_entries_data_52 SET value = (value + 1) WHERE value >=

on uploading an image to an entry.
Any suggestion on how to find out more what's telling the error?


A little context might be helpful.

  1. Where is the error coming from?
  2. How is the error displayed?
  3. What did yo do to get this error?

Thanks designermonkey,
The error is coming from updating an article image (file_upload field) and it is displayed on a blank page in the typical symphony context

Now I deleted the article and created a new one, and it seems to work...

Ok, if it crops up again, can you show us the entire stack trace and we can have a look.

Glad it disappeared though.

I thing I know what's the problem, I uninstalled Order Entries, then run some things then install it back...

Sorry talked too early....
here is a screenshot of the error page It just happens on updating a picture in the entry.
Symphony 2.3.2 with Order Entries 1.10.1 here...

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