

Could someone kindly explain to me how Symphony's maintenance mode has changed in 2.3.3?

I just upgraded a few of my sites to 2.3.3 and as I understand it there will no longer be any default page for the maintenance mode, so I will have to build my own every time?

But even when I create my own page and give it a status maintenance, I usually get an error when ticking the maintenance checkbox in my preferences view:

Warning: chmod() [function.chmod]: Operation not permitted in /www/htdocs/w059x48d/ on line 861

Error: Cannot redirect to

I am on shared hosting, so I tried to chmod pretty much all of my files and folders but to no avail.

Can anybody tell me what I am missing here?

It appears that your server prevents chmod from being used, and then in addition to that, it has strict error reporting enabled which is preventing the page from saving correctly.

Are you able to post the full error trace? It'll will help confirm the above assumption :)

Hi Brendo,

Thanks for your help & sorry for my late response, I was tied up in another project.

I am no longer getting an error when enabling the maintenance mode and then hitting Save changes. Instead, I am now getting a Preferences saved confirmation every single time. However, the Enable maintenance mode checkbox never gets ticked. It's always empty and therefore can only be activated manually through config.php.

Is there any chance to fix this? It never caused any trouble in previous versions of Symphony.

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