

I'm using cyrillic text in templates, however in some circumstances (i.e. within html tags alt="" and others) it gets encoded to html entities ("A" to "А").

Is it possible to disable such a conversion?

Thanks in advance.

I have everything working. You can read more? (У меня всё работает. Можно подробней?)

The following code (taken from page template file)

<a href="#" title="Напишите отзыв">Напишите отзыв</a>

is rendered as

<a href="#" title="&#x41D;&#x430;&#x43F;&#x438;&#x448;&#x438;&#x442;&#x435; &#x43E;&#x442;&#x437;&#x44B;&#x432;">
                    <img src="#" alt="&#x41D;&#x430;&#x43F;&#x438;&#x448;&#x438;&#x442;&#x435; &#x43E;&#x442;&#x437;&#x44B;&#x432;" />

Possibly, problem may be caused due to installation on Windows (localhost), however I'm not sure whether it can be a reason for such an issue.

This puzzled me when I read it.

Possibly, problem may be caused due to installation on Windows (localhost), however I'm not sure whether it can be a reason for such an issue.

This could well be what's causing the issue. Can you run a phpinfo for your installation and tell us what the xslt processor is?

Also, you can try and change the encoding to ISO-8859-1 to see if that cleans up the character encoding.

Thank you much for the advice. Windows server (and probably php configuration) was the issue. Problem was solved after moving installation to remote server.

Still, would be interesting to figure out which xslt processor caused it on Windows.

Glad it's running ok now though.

XSL enabled
libxslt Version 1.1.23
libxslt compiled against libxml Version 2.6.32
EXSLT   enabled
libexslt Version    0.8.13

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