contact form
This is an open discussion with 7 replies, filed under General.
See Email Template Manager extension.
thank you for that tip.
In fact this extensions seems to be, what I'm searching for. Install it on 2.3.3 only says:
Failed opening required '/var/www/htdocs/muto/symphony/lib/toolkit/class.manager.php'
I dont have this file, I dont what this file shuold provide. so the "blank page topic" is actual, until I remove it.
There is a specific 2.3
branch the extension's repo. That's what you need.
sound good, Nils. but
I just don't find it.
Download from here.
thx for the help, all works fine, as far as I know.
may link the 2.3.x branch at github or somewhere else, better to find.
We will officially release ETM for 2.3 soon. Until then please use the special branch on GitHub (or the download link provided by @vladG).
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I'm using a contact form with the event "Save Message" -> send notification email. In the form hidden input field:
seems to be requiered, that symphony knows, where the notification should be sended to. This seems to be a valid user name needed; at least an author, who ist able to log in at backend.
This seems to be a security issue, because everybody reading the page source knows at least one valid username. although I've Anti Brut Force installed, this make me not satisfied.
Is there any posibility (authors not able to lock in or not able to change contents) to avoid this?