
I have to ask this to the developer:

When I update one field (I have only one input element for entry in my form) in multiple entries with an event in the front end, are updated all the fields of the entries or only the one contained in the form?

I ask this because sometimes (often when there are a lot of peoples connected), when I firing the event something goes wrong and I lose the information contained in another field (often is the description) even if in the MySql the field can't be NULL

If you don't provide data to input into the fields in a section during an update, then the field will be made blank.

If you want to retain data in the entry, and only update one field, then you will need to provide hidden fields with all the data to retain.

If this is a problem from a data security perspective, then you can modify the event to get the current entry's data, append the new single value to it, and then save that new data into the entry.

Thanks designermonkey!!!! I will try to insert the hidden fields.

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