
Hi, I have an issue with Map Location 3.1 in symphony 2.1.1 you can see the error here

deg2rad() expects parameter 1 to be double, string given An error occurred in extensions/maplocationfield/extension.driver.php around line 88

I haven't developed this website... but I have to solve this issue... any ideas? I look in the backend and it seems the map location data passed by the datasurce are right...

Thanks Daniele

I've found: "NetworkError: 404 Not Found -" logo-eci-120.jpg

have you tested Address Location Field (wich seem to be easier to put adresses in) or even an update?

I can't change extension... It could be the last resource if I can't solve the issue.

I hadn't update the extension because it is the newer version compatible with symphony 2.1.1

But... you can get the page? I only see the "Symphony Warning" page!

thanks for answering daniele

I see a page, as it shuold be. I see the flags all pover your country and the addresses aditionally. the background graphic I'm see also.

but please try to upgrade symphony....


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