
Hi there,

I have a page with all entries (poems), I would like to group it based on a particular field poems index page I have very basic XSLT knowledge, i bumped into this article. lmuenchian article I could not follow it. Here is the xml output of the page xml debug mode

This is the html output I am trying to achieve.

The Poetic Heart 2012 (//poem-index/entry/events/item)

---- All poems of this year

The Poetic Heart 2013

---- All poems of this year

Thanks, noussh


Only logged in Developers can see a debug output. So the link you provided will not work.

Let me see the output from Poem Index datasource on xPathr.

Oh yes,

Here is the xml link : And xsl file :


First thing I will ask you to do is change your admin password. Never, but never ever again paste to public the entire XML output of a page. The /data/params mustn't be public.

There are 2 ways to solve your issue:

  1. The Muenchian method, which will work in this case but it's rather complicated.
  2. Create another datasource called Events Index and add it to the page. Show me the output of that datasource to continue.


I have changed the admin password :)

Please check the new .xml file 'Events Filter' Datasource Attached with

So, given you have a datasource which outputs the categories and another one that outputs the events, the basic idea is this:

  1. Find all categories to which Poems link.
  2. Foreach of these categories, render Poems which link to it.

Here's the XSLT. Adjust it to your needs.

Thanks vladG,

I did know that we can use fields from other sections to filter data. I could follow xslt code, even though 'current()' function completely new to me.

Now it's rendering the I want.

Excellent :)

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