
My default structure is: page/category/article (nothing special).

Where page is the page url from that template, category is a section with a page select box to the page and article is a section with a select box link to the category.

This way i'm able to code all urls without hardcoding parts of the url which is usefull for example related links or custom navigation.

Disadvantage is that an author always have to set the page with the change of making mistakes, especially when it comes to a larger website.

The best practice for me should be to link a section to a page. I think of two solutions but I can't find the right fields for it

  • An hidden field with the (default) value for that section or maybe a selectbox link with a default value.
  • An helper section where I can link the sections to a page, but I cant find a 'section field' which list all sections

Or do I overlooked an even better solution to link the page url to multiple entries in once, so the author has no worries about it.

I don't completely understand the setup and the mentioned practices (partly because of my english), I want to ask:

Do you have multiple Symphony pages taking care of displaying your content, that is those sections and articles. Like this? Or you have only one Symphony page?

And you need to solve author's linking between two articles, that come lets say from different pages?

One last, do you have multiple Symphony sections for your articles? Or you have only one section, and authors further categorize articles through the article properties (fields)?

I use multiple pages. The pages are for the main structure and have there own layout

For example. - News (page template) - national, international (category section) - articles (section and the entries are linked to a category)

Same stucture for products - Product(page template) - type 1, type 2 (category section) - products(section and the entries are linked to a category)

The category section is always linked to the page.

For now I solved it with an helper section with the page field and manually type the section id's.

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