
A final beta will be released on Thursday, but the actually final release will probably fall in early May:

  • April 3: Beta 3
  • April 17: RC1
  • May 1: Final

If all goes to plan of course :)

I'm very proud to announce Symphony 2.4 Beta 3 is now available for download, which contains a massive 197 commits from 10 contributors since Beta 2.

You can grab it from Github.

Some highlights from this beta:

  • The ability to edit your Section's name, but keep the same handle
  • Add publish filtering into the core
  • The removal of Dynamic XML datasources (old ones will still work, new are encouraged to use Remote Datasource extension)
  • Abstraction of Cache drivers
  • Simplified reset password process
  • Asynchronous loading of Section Editor and Select Box Link
  • Many, many, many more

If you would like to help test PDO, there's a PR for that :)


Some highlights from this beta:

  • improved idn support ;)

Just curious how people are finding this build? Not sure if it's been pretty solid or if everyone is just taking a breather after a full on couple of weeks?

I've been using it in development of a new site with little troubles. The biggest I've run into is hooking up Provider Datasources with the new Datasource Editor, otherwise things have been pretty smooth :)

I am testing it gradually on my sites. But mostly from extensions view. Will also check the new build-in features.

Just curious how people are finding this build? Not sure if it's been pretty solid or if everyone is just taking a breather after a full on couple of weeks?

I'm going to update a couple of projects and extensions soon, but might not get to it before RC1.

Just curious how people are finding this build? Not sure if it's been pretty solid or if everyone is just taking a breather after a full on couple of weeks?

This build looks amazing. Unfortunately I have no time to really test it. @brendo, do you have any idea what the update path from an older (2.3.1) installation to 2.4 would look like? Do you think there is massive breakage?

Really depends on the age of the extensions. I've had little issues but I'm not using that many (15ish).

Email Template Manager works :)

Email Template Manager works :)

Really? Awesome. I think I'll just give it a try then. Thanks for all the hard work!

Fresh in, we now have XSRF pushed into the core and enabled by default for the frontend/backend.

I hope it’s something against XSRF :)

I have some display issue in Chrome (Mac, 100% zoom): input and button border, and other.

Solved at 125% zoom.


It looks fine here – do you have a custom default font size set in your browser?

Yes, 14 pt.

But, in Symphony 2.3.6 work fine.

Nils should we perhaps use rem a little less? For example it's a little overkill on borders when px may suffice?

I'd just set the body's html's font-size to 10px – that should fix the problem.

Is there a recommended update path for older 2.2.x versions of Symphony to 2.4? Do I need to update to 2.3.x first, THEN update to 2.4 or can I go straight to 2.4?

There are some notes in the README about "Versions prior to 2.3" but I'm not 100% clear what I need to do, they seem to reference 2.3 not 2.4. I have a 10 symphony sites ranging from versions 2.2.1 -> 2.3.1 that I'd like to update to 2.4 over the next couple of months as freetime permits and I want to minimize/eliminate breaking things.

Obviously everything will be fully backed up before beginning but it's never nice to have to surrender and retreat to a backup :)

Thanks to all the contributors for all your hard work!

Can I just get clarity from everyone about the 2.x branch of Symphony? Thinking XML sections and pages here.. I recall a post/comment on github (which I can't find now) freezing the 2.x branch of features after 2.4 release.. Is this still the case or is there scope for some of @kanduvislas work to be integrated down the line?

@firegoby, I'd recommend to start updating to 2.3.6 immediately. There is very little in the way of breakages between 2.3 and 2.4 at the moment (which is surprising - but good!) so this should offer you the best upgrade path on 2.4 is generally available. Do ensure that your server is running at least PHP 5.3 though, as we've dropped support for PHP 5.2 in Symphony 2.4.

The majority of incompatibilities will be older extensions that haven't been updated for some time. With any luck, there's an update in the symphonists account, or you can raise an issue here and one of the team will look into it.

@moonoo2 I started 2.4 with the idea of adding in Sections and Pages into the XML. The task was bigger than I anticipated and was dropped in favour of cleaning up other areas. @kanduvislas's work is excellent, but unfortunately requires significant updates to be rebased and integrated into the core. So yes, while it's definitely something I'd like, I'm not sure when it will appear.

For extension developers, there are two guides that are required reading for Symphony 2.4:

Hi all!

I'm please to announce that the Symphony 2.4 RC1 is now available for evaluation and final testing. Barring any major issues, this release will be unleashed into the wild on May 2nd as is.

This release fixes up a whole bunch of issues found from Beta 3, namely:

  • The addition of XSRF for frontend/backend
  • Updates for PHP5.5 compatibility
  • Prevent extension resources from being removed
  • Improved error messages for forbidden/required parameters
  • Minor CSS tweaks to Section Editor and Publish pages

For those who just to test a package that includes extensions, the bundle has been updated to 2.4RC1 and includes all the latest extensions.

As always, if you find any issues, please log them in our tracker or leave some feedback on this forum thread.

This is an excellent release and is the collective contribution of 15 different Symphonians resulting in a massive 513 commits! Big thanks to everyone who's contributed to date, for without you Symphony would not be possible :)

If you're a developer, don't forget there is a Migration Guide which will highlight everything you need to be aware of!

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