
I have a section "Towns" which is [select box] linked to a section "Countries". In the Towns section I have also a "Region", which is until now a text box.
I need to grab all the Regions, make them a section and interwine them between Countries and Towns. Do you think this is feasible?


In my opinion, it's worth it. You can even put a reflection field named title in Regions with this expression:

{entry/country} - {entry/name}

Where country is a SBL to Countries and name is a TextBox with Region name.

Then, in Towns section you can set the Region SBL to Regions.title, thus having both Country and Region information.

P.S. If you need to save entries from a Section (generally, to update a Reflection field), use Resave Entries extension.

Thanks Vlad,
in the specific case, in the Town section I have a Textbox with two letters for the region. Do you think I could use them for linking to the Regions section?
Or should I reinput all the links in the Town entries?

I don't really understand what you just asked me but ... This is how I see the final picture with your sections:


  • name - Textbox


  • name - Textbox
  • code - Textbox
  • country - SBL to
  • title - Reflection: {entry/country} -> [{entry/code}] {entry/name}


  • name - Textbox
  • region - SBL to Regions.title
  • title - Reflection: {entry/region} -> {entry/name}

In any other section where you need to select a Town, add a SBL field with link to Towns.title.

Yes I was wondering if I can convert the Towns.Code [textbox] to a SBL to Regions.Code...

Aaaa, there is no tool to make this conversion.

Simply create Regions section and entries, add the SBL to Towns and bulk-edit the Towns from Towns publish index page.

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