
Hi all,

I've just run into a rather odd problem on a clients site. It's running 2.2.1 and some of the extensions are a bit creaky, but due to dependencies it's as up to date as possible. We didn't build the site originally so I do discover quirks occasionally.

So the issue is that blog posts created for a new author (and only the new author) fail to return any data when they're posted on the last day of the month (!).

The URL structure is like so:


So if the above example was posted on the 31st of March, the datasource returns no data. If I change the date to the 30th, it works fine.

Unique factors:

  • New author
  • Posts on last day of month

My guess is that it has something to do with a discrepancy in the timezone. But a) I'm not sure how/what/why - b) why would it only effect one author?

If I change the URL to:


It still doesn't work, so it's not as simple as it thinking it's the next day (and therefore belonging to a different month) - this was my first guess.

Any ideas? I'm a bit stumped.

I recall a bug with end of month dates, and timezone connections that I believe was patched. I can't remember if it was found and patched in 2.2.x or in 2.3.x though!

I'm very curious why it'd only affect one author though, is that author on a different timezone to the other authors?

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