
I have several largish members sites that run 2.2.5. They all have a few datasources and events that are slightly customized.

I'm curious how much the format for events and datasources changed from 2.2.x to 2.3.x? Will I need to go in and change some things in each custom event/datasource?

Very little has changed in that regard, check out the migration guide for 2.3

Thanks brendo, trying to use some event code in Symphony 2.3.6 from a 2.2.x event.

Getting an error anytime I include this line inside of my protected function __trigger(){

include(TOOLKIT . '/events/event.section.php');

The error I get is:

PHP Fatal error:  Undefined class constant 'ROOTELEMENT' in /Users/myname/Websites/mysite/symphony/lib/toolkit/events/event.section.php on line 400

Not quite sure how to resolve. Would be amazing if this tutorial was updated with any changes that are necessary in 2.3.6.

I think I got this working, something changed in how default events get saved out, I don't understand all of the reasoning behind it, but here's what I did:

Old events set ROOTELEMENT as a constant:

const ROOTELEMENT = 'event-name';

Whereas new events set ROOTELEMENT as a variable:

public $ROOTELEMENT = 'event-name';

Changing it back to a constant seems to do the trick. Anything bad going to happen?

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