update a password in sym_authors
This is an open discussion with 10 replies, filed under Troubleshooting.
First option, if you have an account with developer access you can do it via the author page of Symphony backend. If you only have access to an author, you could promote it by changing the role from author/manager to developer. Or even make it the primary account.
Second option, uou could right a php script that does it.
Check out the Cryptogaphy class. https://github.com/symphonycms/symphony-2/blob/master/symphony/lib/toolkit/cryptography/class.pbkdf2.php
Thanks ofr your attention Nitriques.
"hanging the role from author/manager to developer. " --> I thought about this possibility. I have both types of account but do not remember the password :(
"Second option, uou could right a php script that does it: Cryptogaphy..." --> So i need create a script with all dependencies for this to work.
I apparently resolved the issue by creating a user on a local installation. Once created all reported data used and generated password string to update the developer user remote installation.
I say "apparently" above because I do not know if any part of the password string is used to reference the user elsewhere Symphony or otherwise.
you could (at least up to some versions ago), put an MD5 hash in the password field, then it's automatically upgraded with the proper hash once there is a successful login.
I'm more interested in knowing why the reset password doesn't work.. Can you provide anymore details? You shouldn't have to hack the table to reset a password.
same is here.
when trying to reset passoword, I get a link. klicking on this link, I'm looked in.
That's good so far.
now I'm theoretically able to change the password, praktically I'm ask for the old one.
Wrong password. Enter old password to change it.
Ah right, if you don't add in your old password, it'll work.
You'll be pleased to know that this flow has been drastically improved in Symphony 2.4
You'll be pleased to know that this flow has been drastically improved in Symphony 2.4
@brendo is right!
And we do not use md5 for passwords anymore! It's pbkdf2 now.
because I do not know if any part of the password string is used to reference the user elsewhere Symphony
AFAIK, it's not.
In this case the default email settings were not configured ( my fault ). Recovery password process need of this configuration for work.
Maybe this setting should be mandatory in Symphony installation ;)
@Nitriques thanks for information and for acronym AFAIK... i had never see before =)
I have another case of failure in recovery password process but i need try resolve a little more before open a new Discussion ;)
:) IMHO, I think AFAIK is the greatest accronym ever. That and GNU.
I have had this problem before (recovery not working because no smtp was setup).
@brendo, since email gateways are part of the core, I think adding some optional fields in the installer would be a very neat thing, don't you think ?
I would not make them mandatory (I have website that does not need it) but would make me forget it less often.
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How can i update a password in sym_authors ? I don't understand the password format.
Recovery option dont't works.
Thanks for your attention.