
I have a section called termine, and a comments-section called kommentare. The comments are linking to the first section. All well, except when I output the comments, they show a shorter handle than the original section they are linked to. Here’s an example:

An entry in the termine-section:

<entry id="167">
            <titel handle="zeiten-der-form-formen-der-zeit-erste-jahrestagung-des-dfg-schwerpunktprogramms-1688">Zeiten der Form, Formen der Zeit. Erste Jahrestagung des DFG-Schwerpunktprogramms 1688</titel>

How it shows up linked in the comment:

<entry id="182" section-handle="kommentare">
            <item id="167" handle="zeiten-der-form-formen-der-zeit-erste-jahrestagung-des-dfg-schwerpunktpro" section-handle="termine" section-name="Termine">Zeiten der Form, Formen der Zeit. Erste Jahrestagung des DFG-Schwerpunktpro…</item>

zeiten-der-form-formen-der-zeit-erste-jahrestagung-des-dfg-schwerpunktprogramms-1688 vs. zeiten-der-form-formen-der-zeit-erste-jahrestagung-des-dfg-schwerpunktpro

As you can see the item/@handle is truncated, while the title/@handle in the actual entry is not. Is there a way to NOT truncate the linked @handle?

Thanks for any directions.

Would you mind posting this on Github – sounds like a bug.



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