
Hi, I'm working with members extension.

I've something like this

<xsl:if test="$member-is-logged-in">
  <xsl:text>Hello </xsl:text>
  <xsl:value-of select=""/>
  <xsl:text>, </xsl:text>
  <a href='?member-action=logout&amp;redirect={$blog}'>Logout</a>

How to get logged-in member name?


Is there way to add to member-login-info username that is currently logged-in?

may you have not fimnd the excelent wiki yet.

I didn't find there anything about logged-in members...

Any ideas?

sure you searched?

<xsl:variable name="member-is-logged-in" select="boolean(//events/member-login-info/@logged-in = 'yes')"/>

and about the pseudo event.

Yeah, I got this.

But in the Example Success XML there is no logged-in username.

When user is logged-in I want to print something like this Hello "user".

I've no running member installation here. So I can't help you in detail.

I the the loged in info, gots an id attribute. may you filter you Member section with the aktiv member ID to get all needed infos.

Then you will have to take the ID provided by the members extension to filter a datasource with your Member's details.

To keep Members schema agnostic, it (like Symphony in general) assumes nothing about your application design, so you have to join the pieces together yourself.

Hope this helps :)

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