
Am I going mad or is there no available radio button field extension anywhere to be seen? I appreciate you can easily achieve the same functionality with a select box, but for binary options nothing beats a radio input.

I'm tempted to try and put one together myself if there isn't one, but it seems too unlikely that one doesn't already exist?

Radio buttons are nothing but a different GUI option for existing fields, like the Selectbox or the SBL field. So an extension which adds a (new) field would be the wrong approach.

You could even do it with JavaScript only…

Maybe I need to look at how the fields are built - but wouldn't doing it via javascript involve unnecessary overhead when the input could be generated directly?

I agree in principle though, functionally it doesn't add anything new. I like the idea of a toggle-switch style input as well as a vanilla radio - how would you see these things extending an existing extension? I'm not sure having it as an added option for a Selectbox is particularly intuitive which led me to thinking it'd have value as a new field in its own right.

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