
Another seemingly simple issue that I don't seem to be able to resolve on a new 2.4 site. I can't get an event to work at all.

Very basic setup. Created an event, attached it to the page, dumped in the example markup provided by the event.

  • Submitting the form: nothing happens short of a page refresh
  • Submitting to ?debug: Event is blank (<event />)

No validation is returned.

Any thoughts? I don't even know how to troubleshoot it. Nothing in the logs, it's simply not working.

Unfortunately I have no idea what I did, but it seems to be working now! Which is good, but a shame that I don't know what caused it.

I did change the name of a section at one point that was related to this event, I thought that was before creating the event, but maybe not. So perhaps everything looked fine, but a reference hadn't been updated somewhere, and saving something put everything back on track? I dunno, that doesn't seem likely as the IDs will be used to link sections, events etc. I dunno, just a thought!

If on events you change a section name I believe a re-save of a section is required for the changes in the event php file to be picked up.

I have a feeling that might have been it!

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