
I'm not seeing the <pagination /> node in my XSL when /?debuging a page I'm working on. Pagination is turned on, and working, but I have no info about it to apply logic to the navigation.

Was this changed in 2.4? A bug? Me forgetting to do something?

It was option C (as it often is), 'Me forgetting to do something'. I hadn't selected system: pagination from the Included Elements list.

Bit of a streamlining suggestion, but if you have 'enable pagination' selected, shouldn't this always be output, or more precisely, does it do any harm to always output it in this scenario?

Bit of a streamlining suggestion, but if you have 'enable pagination' selected, shouldn't this always be output, or more precisely, does it do any harm to always output it in this scenario?

The queries required for the pagination output are rather heavy, and sometimes you do want to limit the number of entries (for a homepage, for instance) without the ability to paginate through them.

In this instance including the heavy query is not required, and it would be better to leave it out. I think that's why it's not included by default.

The queries required for the pagination output are rather heavy

That's a good enough reason for me!

and sometimes you do want to limit the number of entries (for a homepage, for instance) without the ability to paginate through them.

Good point.

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