

when completely theming the backend, how do you recommend to do this? I plan to re-use it for future versions with the intention to share it as well.

I could just make the changes in a new css file and add it with the "Admin CCS override"-extension. I did this, but it is not "clean" enough for me. Most things are basically overridden and therefore obsolete.

I'm not experienced with gruntjs and sass yet (I know absolutely nothing but the names), but is it the right tool and the right way to do it? -> Change the source-css files in the folder /symphony/assets/css/src and do the grunt/etc processing? Then i could just share either the source or the built file.

I hope for suggestions, greetings

There is no real theming option for the backend. Your suggestion of changing the source files and process them is the way to accomplish it.

An interesting read in this context can be find here

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