
I was wondering if there's an upload field for images like there is in Drupal.

In Drupal, you can add "infinite" amount of images to a section by using only one field.

Also, I was able to add image Title and Alt text which I can't do with current field.

The reason I need this feature is because I want to create an image gallery section that would have fields for gallery title and description, and field where I can upload undefined amount of images and add title and description to each one of that images.

Is there a way to do something like that in Symphony in a simple way?

I would create two sections, one named Galleries and one named Images.

Galleries would have:

  • a Text Input field named Title
  • a Textarea field named Description

Images would have:

  • a Select Box Link field pointing at the Title of the section Galleries
  • a File Upload field to store the image
  • a Text Input field named Title
  • a Textarea field named Alternative Decription

In this way you can attach/link multiple images to one gallery.

What @theBigMandarino said.

Sounds a tad over complex, but it's a smooth workflow. If you're feeling adventurous then doing this with the new Association field in Symphony 2.5 is even better - the editor screen for adding new entries makes a huge difference to the workflow, and ends up being a good analogy of what you're describing.

That is not an option really. It's not very user friendly.

User would first had to create gallery title and description on separate place and than go to section e.g. "Gallery Images" and for each image create a new item in which he should upload image one at the time, input title and description, select which gallery that image belongs to, click save and repeat the whole process again for the next image.

If user has 30~40 images per gallery, that is really not an option. Not to mention how many mistakes will happen.

Is there no way to create group of fields in section, which can be duplicated per requirement in the section item editor?

Or maybe multiple image upload field which supports title and alt attributes exists and I'm having a bad luck finding it? :D (please be true)

@nathanhornby where can I get Symphony 2.5?

Problem is I need multilingual as well, so I'm not sure if I can afford Symphony 2.5 if it will not work on it.

Maybe I'll go with Drupal after all for this project, still not sure though.

Then you should definitively take a look at how the new Association field works, like @nathanhornby suggested.

I have not had the occasion to use it yet, but I assume the structure of the sections would be almost the same—it’s better if someone who knows how it works in details steps in now though! ;-)

Ok, so thanks for mentioning associations. Though it's not the best solution, this might be useful for my project

From what I understand I can tell this extension to create new item in another section and connect it to my item in the current section.

I'm just unsure if relation will be visible in related image item. It would be useful if I could sort and filter image items by gallery they are related to.

The workflow as theBigMandarino describes is the way to go. An advantage is that the user can re-use images on different places or different galleries for example. Another advantage is that it's easier to update an image.

The association field and the association editor makes it as easy as the upload field from drupal. Or otherwise the selectbox link plus field

@plenaforma yes, on the first look from developers perspective that might seem like a good way to go (being reusable and all) but my concern is for the user.

It's a real pain to upload all those images one by one, especially if every gallery has e.g. ~100 images. Clicking "create new", filling out the form, uploading 1 single image, saving and repeating that again for each image is a no go.

I think that image upload field should have optional title and description field since img element has those attributes specified.

I'm still on the site building level and am learning how system works, but how complicated would it be to modify image upload field to support those two parameters? I haven't checked out api guide yet and am thinking about doing that for this project.

Maybe massuploadutility is another starting point?

Storing data using an Images section is the way to go.

Being able to upload multiple images at once is a matter of UI. There is an extension for uploading multiple files at once, but it works with a customized version of SelectBox Link Plus. It essentially allows users to drag 'n drop multiple files at once (good for user) and behind the scene it creates separate entries in a section (good for development).

Perhaps there is someone in the community who would like to pick it up and update for new Associations field? I think it would be a great addition.

I'm gladly donating it ;)

@Reygoch I haven't had a chance to test any multilingual stuff with 2.5 yet, but it seems like there are less breaking changes than from 2.3 -> 2.4 - it's worth giving a try at least. I've only seen one issue with an extension in 2.5, and it was a trivial fix.

You can get it from the integration branch of the git repository, here. I haven't had any issues with it, and like associations so much I'm hesitant to use anything else moving forward, even though it is technically still RC1.

@Reygoch I'm surprised nobody has mentioned multiuploadfield. This allows drag and drop interface to attach as many images as you want to a single Field entry.

It's the best uploading experience in Symphony and I've implemented it in projects because of that. Check it out!

@jdsimcoe that is the option I went for in the end, but it doesn't offer image preview, title and description input.

Still it was a necessary trade-of for the sake of simplicity and workflow.

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