

I couldn't find anything on this topic, but is there a way to add watermarks to images? Maybe through JIT Image Manipulation?

Hi Reygoch,

I don't think something like that is currently bundled with Symphony not as far as I'm aware at least. Most likely though it could be something that can be added in. From your question I presume you're looking at adding the watermark during the crop/resize process correct?

Yes, that is correct. In Drupal you have something similar like JIT IR recipes for images, but you can also add watermarks and some filters, so I thought maybe some watermarking solution exists here as well.

Not that I'm aware of, I had done some watermarking once, we had stuck a png right down the center. However I guess ideally you'd have options for the position of the watermark as well as it's size depending on size of the image.

There was some discussion here and even a modified outdated version of JIT. You should be able to find it. Basically it is possible with GD which JIT makes use of.

I found myself using <canvas> instead, even though one could find the unwatermarked image url in the JS-code. But for the average user it seems to offer better »copy-pretection« than a directly downloadable image.

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