
What are the components of the time shown in the profiler at 'page creation complete'?

I've got this in my profiler, so I wonder where the .7741s are from:

Engine Initialisation   0.0000 s
Page creation process started   0.0406 s
XML Built   0.2596 s
XML Generation  0.0000 s
Page Built  0.2822 s
XSLT Transformation 0.0000 s
Page creation complete  1.3565 s

Could you kindly note which version of Symphony you are using? As it might impact what you see. Most likely what I think is that the XSLT Transformation step is incorrectly showing 0s.

It's a 2.5RC1 build with profile devkit 1.5.

But the same I see with a 2.3.6 build with profile devkit 1.4, but the difference isn't that big.

Engine Initialisation   0.0000 s
Page creation process started   0.0525 s
XML Built   0.6306 s
XML Generation  0.0281 s
Page Built  0.6671 s
XSLT Transformation 0.0000 s
Page creation complete  0.8276 s

Finally found it. It seems indeed something to do with a select query in one of the templates.

Well timed post, this reminds me to update this for Symphony 2.5 now that the index has been reshuffled.

I have a similar problem im Symphony 2.5.2. Checking the details I can’t find what exactly consumes this huge amount of time (it’s ~5000 entries …).

Engine Initialisation   0.0092 s
Page creation started   0.0166 s
XML Built   0.8818 s
Page Built  6.9797 s
XML Generation  0.1579 s
XSLT Transformation 0.0000 s
Page creation complete  7.1750 s

What exactly happens in the Page Built-section? The page-template itself has no logic yet.

@animaux, I believe the 'Page Built' phase is where symphony is constructing the view for that page. So the URL needs to be ascertained, matched to any corresponding pages defined in Symphony, URL parameters evaluated and processed, data sources and events will be executed, and all with fallback error handling. A lot of that time will depend on how complex your page is by what is attached to it. Complex data sources with lots of filters can certainly see database queries mount up which can add a significant amount of time to output.

Server memory can also make a difference so if you're on shared hosting or have limited available memory that can impact performance.

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Symphony • Open Source XSLT CMS

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  • MySQL 5.5 or above
  • An Apache or Litespeed webserver
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