
We have a particular site that I've noticed some odd errors on, in the Symphony logs.

User Notice: FrontendPageNotFoundException 1024 - The page you requested, /robots.txt/, does not exist. on line 326 of /var/sites/[redacted]/public_html/symphony/lib/toolkit/class.frontendpage.php

User Notice: FrontendPageNotFoundException 1024 - The page you requested, /your-rights/airports.xml/, does not exist. on line 326 of /var/sites/[redacted]/public_html/symphony/lib/toolkit/class.frontendpage.php

Any idea how these are generated? Is this just Symphony's representation of a 404 page? Can't say I've noticed an error like this before, and I'm not sure what's causing it, so thought I'd start by clarifying what it was :)

Not hard to explain. If a requested file does not exist then the rewrite rules add a slash to the end of the URL so that a non-existent file becomes a non-existent page.

So it is essentially just the result of a 404, guess I just never spotted one in the logs before! Have to work out where they're coming from now. I guess the first one must have been an attempt from a bot, the latter one is a bigger mystery!

Thanks for the clarification anyway @Petertron

I got no proof but I guess it is instead from the google bot. I got those errors also and when I look in google's webmaster tools there were exactly those 404 entries.

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