
A new client has requested this feature (something they'll miss from their WordPress blog) and I'm just looking into ways to achieve the functionality on budget. Realistically we're not in a position to build it from scratch so are looking at available options.

The only thing I've come across is twitternotifier - which actually looks very promising, but isn't compatible with newer versions of Symphony (I also haven't got to play around with it yet, so haven't been able to assess its suitability) - it's also quite clearly labelled as experimental.

Has anyone had to do this with 2.4+ - maybe you achieved it using a different extension, maybe you made you own for the job and would be happy to share the code?

I'm tempted to try and get twitternotifier working in 2.5 - but I can make no guarantee that I'm able to do that, and even if I did I'm not 100% sure it'll give me what I need.

Any thoughts from others greatly appreciated!

You want a tweet this page url?

Most simple solution is a link like:

 <a href="{title}" data-url='{$current-url}' data-summary='{intro}' data-title='{title}' >Tweet me</a>

No, he wants to automatically send a Tweet to Twitter with a URL when a Blog Entry is created.

What @vladG said!

Ah ok something that push. Push, not really a characteristic of 'being' social :-). Maybe a service that can automate tweets from a rss feed.

Ah ok something that push. Push, not really a characteristic of 'being' social :-)

Ha, true!

Maybe a service that can automate tweets from a rss feed.

I hadn't considered this as an option, good thinking!

I hadn't considered this as an option, good thinking!

Luckily I can better think than do back-end coding ;-)

I'm just as rubbish at both!

I've been using to push to Twitter and Facebook from a symphony RSS feed. It's useful not to have to use multiple services for different platforms, or to link on account into the other.

And you can bypass the URL shortener, since Twitter treats all URLs as a fixed length now, apparently.

Thanks for that Fish - I hadn't come across that one so will add it to the list of considerations!

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