

I know this was brought up in the past, and usually people tend to point towards extensions. But I really think that having the possibility to choose the default value of a textfield / textarea / select box / etc is an important feature that could be easily added to the core.

Just a suggestion :) I'm sure I'm not the only one missing this.. I often think "hm 90% of the time the user will select this option, or type this value, I wish I could make it default".

Anyone agrees this would be a massively useful feature? :)

Thank you!


I got the same thoughts not so long ago.

I don't think it isn't that hard for people who understand the api and php. There is already a check for required (it is empty than).

Totally agree that this could be a massively feature: extra checkbox or/and input field for default value. If it is filled in and field is empty than gotcha!

It is one of the things on my symphony-bucketlist: dive into the world of the api and extension but time isn't my best friend.

Yeah something like that!

Also, another simple feature that could be super useful is a "description" or "help" for each field. the developer could write in a help sentence for each field, and on the CMS the user could see the description by hovering a "?" icon, for instance. I'm not sure if it's possible to add this to every field through an extension..

a "description" or "help" for each field

you could use Custom Field Captions for that or use Documenter to add generic help text and documentation to the publish page in question.

Or tooltip does that part exactly. But not available for 2.5

Oh great, I hadn't seen those :) thanks!

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