

I read in the Concepts part of the documentation that it is possibe to chain data sources setting an output parameter in a primary data source and using it in one of the filter of a secondary data source. I think I understand the concept, but when I want to put it in practice I cannot see the Output Options fieldset in the data source editor? How comes ? Did I miss something at installation time?

I am using the 2.4 version.

When you make/edit a datasource at almost the bottom of the page there is content with two panes: one with the included elements and next to it the parameters or as you name them the output options fieldset.

The parameters are the things you are looking for to use for the datasource chaining.

Thank you very much. I see it. I was expecting something identical to the picture which is in the doc, but apparently this picture is out of date. I suppose the output param is available in the secondary data source as $ but does this also imply the two sections should use a field with the same name or does it suffice for the value of two differently nammed fields to be identical. Apparently from my first trials, I incline toward the first proposal.

You can filter every (associated) field in the second datasource with {$}

Of course the field and parameter need to have a relation through for example a select box field. (The parameter is just an id)

For example you got a section blog and a section comments. You can output the id of the blog entry as parameter and filter the comment section based on that id to show only the comments for that blog entry.

Got it! Thanks again.

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