
A new extension, "Flatty" is now available for download. Comments and feedback can be left here but if you discover any issues, please post it on the issue tracker.

Hi guys,
first extension in the Symphony world, I hope you like it.
There are still minor glitches to fix, but I think it's overall usable. I made an error on the @min and @max compatibility attributes, now on GH the value is fixed, but on the symphonyextensions site it's still broken. I set @min as 2.3 now, do I have to release a new version?


@Manaus I think you'll have to release a new version to update on Symphony Extensions - otherwise it will not pull your changes as far as I'm aware.

Well, I made some name change in extension.meta.xml - basically converting all to lowercase - but now in the symphonyextensions/developers/Manaus page the extension looks greyed out...

You could remove and resubmit the extension.

Thanks Petertron, the extension is not submitted, I could remove the repository from Github, or change name

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