This is an open discussion with 5 replies, filed under Extensions.
Hi guys,
first extension in the Symphony world, I hope you like it.
There are still minor glitches to fix, but I think it's overall usable.
I made an error on the @min and @max compatibility attributes, now on GH the value is fixed, but on the symphonyextensions site it's still broken. I set @min as 2.3 now, do I have to release a new version?
@Manaus I think you'll have to release a new version to update on Symphony Extensions - otherwise it will not pull your changes as far as I'm aware.
Well, I made some name change in extension.meta.xml - basically converting all to lowercase - but now in the symphonyextensions/developers/Manaus page the extension looks greyed out...
You could remove and resubmit the extension.
Thanks Petertron, the extension is not submitted, I could remove the repository from Github, or change name
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A new extension, "Flatty" is now available for download. Comments and feedback can be left here but if you discover any issues, please post it on the issue tracker.