
on the extensions matrix there is a sudden halt of development at 2.3.6, does that mean that the extensions are not compatibile with the latest releases, or that the extension has been neglected, maybe because the developer switched platform etc., but still can work on following developments? Of course the question does not expect a boolean response.

Those of you who upgraded the main application, how do you cope with the issue?


From 2.3.6 to 2.6 I don't recall there being any breaking changes. The problem with the way things are is that most extensions will not appear compatible unless manually updated in the meta.

What I would do if I were you is clone your system and try the extensions on a 2.6 I don't think all the extensions I'm using are officially written to support 2.6 in the meta. Most common ones would otherwise have a PR. If something doesn't work create an issue and ping someone to have a look (unless it's something you can fix yourself)

does that mean that the extensions are not compatibile with the latest releases, or that the extension has been neglected, maybe because the developer switched platform etc., but still can work on following developments

Mostly the latter. Extensions under active development would be updated if no longer working. Abandoned extensions might still work, but are no longer actively maintained.

how do you cope with the issue

Only use very few extensions and try to keep things simple otherwise.

If possible, fork and update abandoned extensions you really need and make them your own.

It’s often worth having a look in the development branches or even forks by other poeple. There is a lot of development going on under the symphonyextensions-radar.

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