Frontend form for Multipload Field
This is an open discussion with 5 replies, filed under Extensions.
I guess it would work similarily to the file attachments element on this forum.. appending additional uploads via js.
Thanks Andrew, I’m close to actually trying to build this :)
<input name="fields[bilder][]" … /> <input name="fields[bilder][]" … /> …
works :)
Ahh yes, just adding it to the array I guess.
But what if they were able to update the entry from the front end as well?
But what if they were able to update the entry from the front end as well?
I think I had this halfway working before realising I didn’t actually need it … I tried to add the array numbers and file-names from the entry: e. g.
<input name="fields[bilder][0]" value="file0.jpg" … /> <input name="fields[bilder][1]" value="file1.png" … /> …
I already forgot if this worked. I think not :)
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I’ve opened an issue on Github, though it’s rather a question:
Using the multipload field: how would a frontend-form would have to look like to upload files from the frontend? Is this even possible? Would I be able to reuse code from the extension itself? The event only gives us this:
I guess this is the default form preview in the event. Not very enlightening in this case.
Thanks for any hints or pointers :)