
on form submission I'm getting errors like "Entry encountered errors when saving. -- 'Email is a required field'" and so on. I'm using also Frontend Localisation, so I'm wondering if I have to tweak some core file (which one?) or can I do it more lightly?


You could have a look for these strings in Nils’ german translation, which is quite thorough. But even in there are some missing translation strings.

@manus those are not generated using frontend localisation I'm afraid. You'd need to have the respective backend language installed, which if I'm not mistaken would translate those strings. But I think you might have to 'initialise' symphony in that language - haven't used Frontend Localisation recently but not sure if it would do that part for you.

Thanks @animaux and @gunglien. Following Animaux's suggestion I stumbled upon the Italian version of the extension, which oddily works in some cases, in other does not. Thinking the Nils version of German was more recent, I tried that out as well, but the same strings aren't replaced. Specifically '%s' is a required field..

@Manus most likely they would be newer phrases from more recent versions, so you'd have to fork / update missing phrases. There was an extension to help manage with those translations I believe as well.

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