Trouble with a php array (in a custom remote datasource)
This is an open discussion with 8 replies, filed under Extensions.
Solved via a php array to JSON, my final php:
Class CUSTOMFormatter implements Transformer { public function accepts() { return 'application/json, */*'; } public function transform($data) { [...] $data = json_encode($data, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT); try { $data = JSON::convertToXML($data); } catch (Exception $ex) { throw new TransformException($ex->getMessage(), array( 'message' => $ex->getMessages() )); } return $data; } }
If you have an idea on how to turn the php array into xml, instead of json then xml, I will be happy read it!
The core has a method that may be of use to you, General::array_to_xml
Hi Brendo, thanks for the info! I tryed :
$data = General::array_to_xml('entry', $data);
$xml = new XMLElement('entry'); $xml->setValue(General::array_to_xml($data)); $data = $xml->generate();
before "return $data;" but both give me "Argument 1 passed to General::arraytoxml() must be an instance of XMLElement, string given".
I am not familiar with php, so I don't know how to use the method...
Hi Vincent use the below
setValue expects a string, whilst appendChild appends an XML Element inside another. Which is what you want to do.
Thanks Jonathan for the help, so I tried:
$xml = new XMLElement('entry'); $xml->appendChild(General::array_to_xml($data)); $data = $xml->generate();
and it gives me "Argument 1 passed to General::arraytoxml() must be an instance of XMLElement, array given" so I assume the $data is not read as an array (perhaps strange when you see the result of the print_r in my previous tests). Do you think I have to escape special characters of the array before?
Looking at your previous code you have this : $data = print_r($data, true);
does that still exist?
Because that is converting your $data
array into a string. If it's still there can you remove that line and try again?
Both close, but try this:
$entry = new XMLElement('entry'); General::array_to_xml($entry, $data); $xml = $entry->generate();
From the docs:
the XML element to append the formatted array data to.$data
the array to format and append to the XML fragment.
Thanks Brendo it works! But... I got an issue with the data. Encoding to json then xml keeps more infos from the array, here is the format of the php array (given buy the print_r) :
Array { [singleword] => 1 [composed name sometimes] => 2 [with special çhàracters] => 00.3 }
So with the following json workaround:
$data = json_encode($keywords, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT); $data = JSON::convertToXML($data);
datasource output look like this:
<remote-ds url="..." ...> <data> <singleword handle="singleword" value="single word">1</singleword> <key handle="composed-name-sometimes" value="composed name sometimes">2</key>//node: key for composed text <key handle="with-special-characters" value="with special çhàracters">00.3</key> </data> </remote-ds>
and with the core method General::arraytoxml($entry, $data); the datasource looks like this:
<remote-ds url="..." ...> <data> <singleword>1</singleword> <composed-name-sometimes>2</key> <with-special-characters>00.3</key> </data> </remote-ds>
So with I loose the space and special characters, in fact it will be perfect if I find a way to invert the rows and columns of the array. It will makes more sense in regard of the nature of data to output to have a xml like that:
<remote-ds url="..." ...> <data> <1>singleword</1> <2>composed name sometimes</2> <00.3>with special çhàracters</00.3>// or even 003 or 3, I don't mind </data> </remote-ds>
I tried to arrayflip($data) but I get the error "arrayflip(): Can only flip STRING and INTEGER values!". So I have to find a way to convert values from decimal to integer, I will dig in that way or stay with the json workaround.
Thank you very much for your help! (and sorry for the long post :-p)
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Hi, I am trying to return a php array in custom remote datasource.
Looking at others remote datasource classes, i tried to return $data = print_r($data, true); as a text. So I can see my php array of data in the xml output. Php class looks like that:
Resulting the xml:
Then i tried to apply the class Array2XML on my $data variable, and output as a xml instead of text. But I always get a "Invalid Character Error" in my xml entry.
Is it because the $data array contains Éà characters? Any Idea of what I should do to make it works?