
A new extension, "Random Entries Generator" is now available for download. Comments and feedback can be left here but if you discover any issues, please post it on the issue tracker.

This is neat! Have you seen Faker? It could really take this to the next level ;)

Random Entries Generator updated to version 1.1.0 on 27th of May 2015

@brendo Faker is awesome. Thanks a lot. Saved me lots of time!!

And that time was spent adding a lot of fields! Check out

@nitriques nice - it doesn't do testing as well by any chance? to make sure fields are saving data properly.


it doesn't do testing as well by any chance? to make sure fields are saving data properly.

It depends on the field. I tried to maximize the chance of being valid (like images checks for the regular expression and textbox watches to the max-length settings) but I cannot give any guarantee.

BUT, feel free to send a PR if something is bugging you!! That would certainly help others too (myself included)

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