
Hello everyone, I am creating a very big website with Symphony and the customer will have a lot of cities in one section. I will link this section with a Select Box Link. I set the maximum entries to 999 at the moment. There will be a lot of entries in the dropdown. So my question is if it is possible that I will experience any problems.

Hi NikoLang,

I would go for the Association suite, that is Field, Selector, Editor.

I have this problem too.

There are more than 90000 cities in section, this consume more than 64MB from memory. Both Select Box Link and Association break.

If you have so much entries (and you need to choose from all), you will have to build an AJAX search solution. (I vaguely remember that there was a relation field for Symphony that tried to load entries via AJAX—but I don't know which field it was.)

The association field should work. Limit the number of pre-loaded items to 20. Then it fetches new entries via Ajax whenever you type. It also filters down the possible choices. I use this field to link articles with each other, my client has over 60,000 articles linked in this way. And I have around 3 different relationship fields linking to the same section with no issue whatsoever.

Is it possible to change the select box link to associacion link later? The database is already filled.

Is it possible to change the select box link to associacion link later? The database is already filled.

Yes, you can use these migration steps. Be sure to make a DB backup before.

Thanks gunglien, now one city is pre-loaded and then:

New register: empty and disenable field City; Cities are loaded after field State is defined;

Update a register: hold city in var "city-current"; empty field City; retrieve cities from current state; populate field City; define selected city with var "city-current";

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