How does everyone handle development on Symphony?
This is an open discussion with 4 replies, filed under General.
I try to include my clients into the project at an early stage. They can start filling in content while frontend development goes on. Thus I setup my projects on the production server with a development subdomain. When finished I keep the development environment for future development and copy the installation to a live directory and database.
Me too. Still the quickest, easiest and most productive workflow. But also playing around with Docker a lot these days. Would anyone be interested in a Docker setup based on Alpine Linux and nginx for Symphony?
Symphony works particular well with MAMP I think mainly because it needs workspace and manifest to be writable by the webserver user.
I setup a VM development environment for myself using Vagrant, but it can be tricky because file permissions don't work very well across mounted directories.
Using docker would be possible, but because of writing and editing files, you will run into a lot of problems.
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Hey all, back in the long long ago I used Symphony (1.7 I think?) to build a few personal sites. I stopped using it/contributing as my needs changed but lately I've been almost longing for the all-in-one possibilities and flexibility that Symphony provides.
I was looking around the code on github and wondering, how does everyone setup their own development environments for Symphony? Like: do you have a vm setup, or roll your own development servers, or use docker, or ... ?