Deleting 'template' after installing Symphony 2.7.0
This is an open discussion with 4 replies, filed under Installation.
The best thing to do is download the minimal version from here.
That's great, thanks for your help! I've reinstalled and it works.
How about the tutorials? Are you aware of any good ones or should I just go through what is already on the Symphony website?
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks again!
The best attempt at tutorials for Symphony CMS is the video series by Reygoch, to be found here. I have not watched them all, since I knew how to use Symphony already. Together with the guides on this site, there is nothing else I have to recommend. Learning to use Symphony is not that hard to do by trial and error.
Thanks! Really appreciate your help and suggestions. I'll have a good look at the tutorials and see how I get on.
Thanks again for your prompt responses.
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I am completely new to Symphony CMS and I have a question regarding the installation.
I've successfully installed Symphony 2.7.0 on my localhost, however, when I open up the admin interface there are already Pages, Sections, etc. I understand that these are demonstrating how the system works but is there a way to 'clear' all this data so I have a fresh canvas to create my own site? If this seems completely obvious, I apologise.
I've had a look at the Tutorials page but the information seems rather dated. Are there any recent tutorials that could help me grasp the concepts and functionality of Symphony?
Many thanks for your time. Apologies for my basic questions!