Trouble Editing XSL
This is an open discussion with 1 reply, filed under Troubleshooting.
You need PHP to run as 'you' so that Symphony saves files as 'you' instead of something like www-data.
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This is an open discussion with 1 reply, filed under Troubleshooting.
You need PHP to run as 'you' so that Symphony saves files as 'you' instead of something like www-data.
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Symphony • Open Source XSLT CMS
I am new to Symphony and following the tutorials to get my head around it.
I am having issues trying to edit/save the xsl inside the workspace/pages directory.
When trying to save home.xsl i'm getting a permission denied error.
I have tried chmoding the directory and its containing XSL files (chmod -R 0775 workspace/pages) but get the following error -
'chmod: Unable to change file mode on workspace/pages/home.xsl: Operation not permitted'
Can anyone help solve the issue?