Update from 2.2.1 to latest (2.7.3) due to php new php version, how much work can i expect
This is an open discussion with 1 reply, filed under General.
@bdcreations it should still work !!
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This is an open discussion with 1 reply, filed under General.
@bdcreations it should still work !!
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Hi Everyone,
It has been quiet a while since i worked with Symphony CMS.. :) I just got an CMS update request for a rather old website (2011!), so i wanted to check first how much work i can expect performing the update.
In essence Symphony CMS needs to be update from 2.2.1 to 2.7.3 as to avoid this error due to an PHP update on the server:
Do the steps as mentioned in http://www.getsymphony.com/learn/tutorials/view/upgrade-symphony/ still apply, or are there any other problems to be expected while updating?
Looking at that specific PHP error my first guess was to simply change the MySQL password as indicated by https://serverfault.com/questions/385378/mysql-connect-the-server-requested-authentication-method-unknown-to-the-clien, but it is hard for me to judge if that other problems might still popup then.
Any feedback is appriciated, thank!