
I got used to it a long time ago, but isn't the navigation in the admin area a little bit inconsistent from a linguistic point of view? We have Publish (verb), Blueprints (noun) and System (noun). Wouldn't it be better to have either verbs or nouns? - I remember that I was told so in school but maybe it's just the proverbial German thoroughness ;)

This is legacy stuff from TypeWorks days, of which there's quite a lot that remains needlessly. I quite agree -- mixed is disgraceful; all nouns would be dandy. (Collective nouns are good, too.) Can anyone suggest a better naming scheme?

Also, the team and I are in the habit of referring to it as the "Publish section" which, despite being a noun, is doubly confusing. Perhaps all we need is a replacement for "Publish".

I think this is best left to the native speakers but it would be good to have something more general (e. g. Content(s) - that's whats gathered in that area).

(Maybe some of the other Germans can help me, I'm thinking of the German word "Inhalte").

Probably "Entries", since that is how they show up in the XML. That becomes an issue if you also have a section called "Entries". No, it probably needs something more general, since an entry is really a child of a section. In that case, it should probably be something like "Data" or "Content", in which case, I would prefer "Content". Although data is the root element of the XML tree.

I agree with "Content". That's the word I use when I talk to customers: "You should only care about content. You should not be bothered by the core system. You will not even see it when you log in." (People love that!)


Yeah, I think "Content" works well at first glance

Ya, i'll agree with the term "Content" as that is what the user is publishing - the content.

I like "Content".

A trend appears: plurals. ("Content", like "data", is a plural, requiring a special singular version "piece of content"/"datum".)

Except "System" is the only one which breaks this rule. It's actually used as an adjective to combine with its submenu items: "System Preferences"/"System Extensions".

So I vote it be changed back to "Settings" (as it originally was in 1.7). The reason we changed it was because "Settings" didn't make sense with the intended use of putting extensions there, but I don't think this reason holds anymore. The "Extensions" menu item is now really just a settings page where you can turn on/off your extensions, and the extensions themselves place menu items in whatever menu is relevant to them (or create their own).

I also think "Settings" makes it clearer what it contains. Plus the extra characters make it wider and easier to target with the mouse.

So -- Content | Blueprints | Settings -- what do you think?

Love it.



Works for me.


Me like too... now let me go find the search and replace menu in InDesign :-)

hehe... you know, I actually thought about you when this was proposed, thinking "That's gonna be a bit of a pain if the docs are relatively far along."

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