
Enjoy. I've not done much testing, but it appears to be working fine. Any issues, post here.

Thanks! I personally prefer textile over markdown.

Thanks Alistair, Textile is my preference (although your TinyMCE extension is working well in Webkit).

However, is there a way that there could be a 'cheat' menu or hyperlink to Textism - you can tell I'm from textpattern ;)


is there a way that there could be a 'cheat' menu or hyperlink to Textism

Hrm. I've created 2 simple "Help" fields (One for Textile and one for Markdown). Drop them into /lib/toolkit/fields/, then add them to your section and you will get a link appearing in your form. You can modify line 20 to contain different/more text:

$span->setValue('&uarr; <a href="">Click here for detailed information on Textile Syntax.</a>');

You'll end up with something like this.

Thank you Alistair - just what was needed.

@Alistair the first link is broken :

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Symphony • Open Source XSLT CMS

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  • MySQL 5.5 or above
  • An Apache or Litespeed webserver
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