
A new Extension, “Typogrify Text Formatters” is now available for download. Comments and feedback can be left here but if you discover any issues, please post it on the issue tracker.

Your mileage may vary, as this hasn't been extensively tested. I really wanted to use Typogrify in my upcoming Symphony 2-based site, so here you all go. Let me know how it goes, as this is my first proper Symphony 2 extension!

Version 1.0.1: I've had to make some minor fixes to ensure well-formed XML output.

Will install and test this and report back...

Awesome! I'll be sure to give this a try. I was trying to add some of this functionality in XSLT, but this is much easier.

How are you guys using this for your site? I installed it and I would use it on the title only and not in the text but Symphony doesn't have any text formatter for input fields.

huyaroo, you could use a small textarea for your titles instead.

tonyarnold, thanks for making this, it adds just that little extra bit of perfection :)

Edit: I'm now using it here:

> huyaroo, you could use a small textarea for your titles instead.

This is a good idea even if you don't use Typogrify. Sometimes you'll have something, like the name of a publication, in your entry title and need to italicize it. Since you use the title of an entry in the <title> of the page, in an attribute or in other areas that don't like formatting, you'd need to create a 'display title' field that is used on the page while the plain 'title' is used for other things where formatting isn't an option.

I had a problem with Symphony before where I changed the Body of my Articles to something else and it rendered everything blank. I don't want that to happen again. Since Symphony doesn't allow you to change the datatype of the element, would it be safe to delete the old Title and create a new Title with a textarea?

If you change the name of a field, then you change the name of the node in the XML that contains the data in that field. Since XSLT searches for nodes by name, you have to make sure your XSLT is looking for your renamed "body" node instead of the old one.

I'm not sure how the system would act without the text input of "title". I know it needs something for the $entry param and I'm not sure how it generates it without the "title".

Does anyone know how that works? It doesn't seem like the notes section has a title, it uses the date, so the system must not need it.

Not sure if it's possible in Symphony, but in the CMS at work we base our relative URLs for documents upon their fulle-text titles, stripped of all punctuation and delimited by dashes ("-"). It works quite nicely.

I'm not sure how the system would act without the text input of "title". I know it needs something for the $entry param and I'm not sure how it generates it without the "title".

I figured out. It's in the datasource for the article. You can filter results by turning a custom field into a parameter.

@tonyarnold: The default Symphony theme does this. In the article datasource, the article's title field is set to be the {$entry} parameter. Then on the articles page you can edit the configuration and add the entry parameter to the URL Parameters field.

Still new to this, but if you use a textarea for the title, what happens to the "handle" attribute? Basically, how do you link to things with this method?

Textareas don't have the "handle" attribute, so you need to have 2 fields. One textinput for the system (title) and a textarea (display title) for formatting and proper typography. The title gives you a nice system-friendly "handle" and the display title allows you to have a formatted title that appears on your page.

If you don't like repeating yourself, you can just use the title in an article until you need some special formatting -- then use the display title too. Then write your XSLT to have a choose statement that looks for the display title first and if it's empty grab the title instead.

You might be able to use a textarea for the title only, but it'll require a lot of XSLT string replacing to get a "handle" out of a formatted textarea and XSLT really isn't built to do that. if you're new to Symphony, I'd stick with multiple title fields. At least until someone writes a plug-in to help with this. :-)

Thank you for the very thorough response!

I think I will use the idea of testing for a special title and only grabbing when needed, makes a lot of sense.

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Symphony • Open Source XSLT CMS

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  • MySQL 5.5 or above
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