
Hi guys,

I'm having an issue with using an external xml feed with a part of the url for the feed as a paramater. I have set up the feed as follows in the data source editor:{$ds-myparam}&lang=en&number=5

However, it looks like Symphony is outputting the feed url as above, rather than substituting the {$ds-myparam} for the value contained in the paramater. (The {$ds-myparam} is being auto-created by another data source I have created and associated with the page) Obviously, this means that the feed returned is not what I am looking for.

Anyone have any ideas why this might be happening? Is there something that I am doing wrong, or is this an issue with Symphony?



Have you tried rev. 5?

Right... after updating to rev. 5, and resetting my external (now dynamic) xml data sources, now i'm getting another problem. I am getting my original data source ok, and I am performing a translation on that, to turn commas and spaces into + signs for the url. Thats all fine, and I can print out the resultant string (ie "item1+item2") on the page no problem.

However, I am having problems getting another data source to use the paramater I am spitting out in its url. I am guessing this is because symphony is getting the content of all the data sources before it processes the page (makes sense). How though, can I get this information to the data source to parse into the url? I don't want to use a url param on the page to do it, because it wouldnt make any sense. Is there some trickery I can use to do this?

In case I am going about this a hard way, what I am essentially trying to do is get the categories (or tags, as I am renaming them) for the currently displayed blog post, to be parsed into an rss feed URL to display related items. If there is an easier way of doing this, please... let me know :)



Sorry to bump this, but has noone got an ideas? I've been struggling with this on and off for a few days now, and I just can get it t work... Even if its not possible, I'd like to know so I can scrap the feature from my site :)

Thanks guys, again... Sorry for the bump... I'm desperate here!


I don't fully understand the way this param works. Could you elaborate? If a page has a url scheme of /handle, and that page also has a dynamic XML with URL of the feed:{$handle}

Then the albumname I type into the URLbar of my browser should automagically make the feed go to that album? Or should I include other code (call the param?) to get this working. Does it work for you now? I am still struggling getting the external XML to work without a param

djeglin, I'm still not following your problem. Is there an online copy we can take a look at?

Specifically, how are you able to translate commas (,) to to pluses (+) and have a data source get that new parameter?

Remember, data sources can contribute to the parameter pool and can also grab from the pool, but XSLT can only grab from the parameter pool and not contribute to it.


I realised that using some xslt translation to change the spaces and commas into + symbols wouldn't work... So I decided to make a separate field for it in the section, where I would manually input the string needed for the rss feed.

After having done that, I can return the value of this field (selected via a "categories" data source I created) on the page (see - The "Health+Entertainment" text at the top of the page), but I still cant get my RSS feed data source to accept the data source into the URL. Symphony is returning "No Records Found" for the 'Related' Data source. The only thing i can think of is that Dynamic XML data sources won't accept ds-params in the URL. A system param such as site-mode works fine, but a ds-param breaks it every time.

Can you please put this up on the bug tracker? If other parameters appear to work fine and not the data source outputted parameters, it'll be a bug.

did it as sson as i realised there was a bug there, a few daa ago :)

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Symphony • Open Source XSLT CMS

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