
By now it is possible to create ensembles from existing sites and install those ensembles "as is" somewhere else. This is a quite helpful feature for transferring or backing up existing Symphony installs.

As there are more ensembles available (see all this great stuff bauhouse posted) it gets more interesting to have an option to just add these to an other install. Something like: Upload the ensemble to a special folder and you'll get the option to add all sections, entries, pages, data sources, events, utilities to your current install. All the imported database entries should get new system ids so that the old install and the added things are not mixed up. You should get warned if there are name clashes or the files should just get renamed and the imported code updated.

Such a functionality would lead to a modular ensemble system. Think of a site with a blog and you like to add a calendar functionality later: just download a calendar ensemble and add it to you install ...

I agree. That's the idea that I'm trying to advocate with the ensembles I am creating. It would definitely improve the workflow to have a modular system.

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