

It took me a while but one has to enter two backslashes for each of the backslashes one wants to display. After the 20 minutes it took me to get that worked out, I had the feeling that your code snippet was right but just displaying wrong.

Thanks for looking in to the bug. We’re just using my vista machine for development and the only time the %5c bit happens is when going from frontend to backend. I can develop the back end on Chrome (or … gulp… IE) and accomplish what I need to.

It is a bug that I’d like to see worked out long term though, for the symphony project as a whole.

Thanks for the help.


Hi Will, I am again: I have the tips in this Diskution followed. Have re-installed the cms. The URL’s are now displayed correctly (no matter what browser) only the link for the administration area is wrong. Here is the URL


search would be right though:

I publish my VHost again:

VirtualHost *:80 ServerAdmin ServerName DocumentRoot “E:/xampp/htdocs/symphony” ErrorLog “E:/xampp/htdocs/symphony/logs/error_log /VirtualHost

The htaccess files(2X), I have not changed. Sorry for my bad english.

My Machine: WindowsXP SP3 + Webserver: XAMPP 1.6.

Thank you


Windows Vista Service Pack 2

I downloaded Vista SP2 this weekend and have not had problems. I reinstalled Symphony with the recent fixes and all seems to be working well.

3.3 Instructions > 3.3.2 Install from ZIP:

  • install.sql
  • README.markdown and
  • update.php

aren’t included in the list of files to upload. Not sure if all of these are necessary, but install.sql surely is.

A little help with local installation?

I have set-up: - Apache 2.2.17 - PHP 5.3.6 - MySQL 5.1.56 on a Windows XP SP3.

Looking at the install log, Symphony seems to install without errors. However, I am not taken to the login screen. Instead, a directory page shows up and I can browse folders under /symphony. Nothing of the backend...

This is what I see right after installing:

Index of /www/symphony
    Parent Directory

And if I go to /www/workspace I can see the folders in the workspace directory and browse them in the same way.

Here is the install log:

Log Created: 2011-04-20T22:36:02+02:00
Symphony Installer Log
Opened: 2011-04-20T22:36:02+02:00
Version: 2.2
Domain: http://localhost:8080/www

INSTALLATION PROCESS STARTED (2011-04-20T22:37:06+02:00)
2011/04/20 22:37:06 > Notice: MYSQL: Establishing Connection...Done
2011/04/20 22:37:06 > Notice: MYSQL: Selecting Database 'mr_sym'...Done
2011/04/20 22:37:06 > Notice: MYSQL: Importing Table Schema...Done
2011/04/20 22:37:06 > Notice: MYSQL: Creating Default Author...Done
2011/04/20 22:37:06 > Notice: WRITING: Creating 'manifest' folder (/manifest)
2011/04/20 22:37:06 > Notice: WRITING: Creating 'logs' folder (/manifest/logs)
2011/04/20 22:37:06 > Notice: WRITING: Creating 'cache' folder (/manifest/cache)
2011/04/20 22:37:06 > Notice: WRITING: Creating 'tmp' folder (/manifest/tmp)
2011/04/20 22:37:06 > Notice: WRITING: Configuration File
2011/04/20 22:37:06 > Notice: CONFIGURING: Frontend
2011/04/20 22:37:06 > Notice: WRITING: Creating 'workspace' folder (/workspace)
2011/04/20 22:37:06 > Notice: WRITING: Creating 'data-sources' folder (/workspace/data-sources)
2011/04/20 22:37:06 > Notice: WRITING: Creating 'events' folder (/workspace/events)
2011/04/20 22:37:06 > Notice: WRITING: Creating 'pages' folder (/workspace/pages)
2011/04/20 22:37:06 > Notice: WRITING: Creating 'utilities' folder (/workspace/utilities)
2011/04/20 22:37:06 > Notice: Installation Process Completed In 1 sec
INSTALLATION COMPLETED: Execution Time - 1 sec (20.04.11 22:37:06)

This is my first time trying to set-up local dev environment and I might have missed something... I am not using a package, I installed everything manually. The Apache is working fine, PHP is working too, the database with all tables was created successfully... I have no idea where to look. Would it be a PHP extention I didn't enable?

Please, any advice will be appreciated! Thanks!

Is mod_rewrite enabled?

Yes, I double checked. Maybe another module that Symphony needs and I haven't enabled?

I tried enabling all modules one by one, but there's no difference. Here are all the modules:

LoadModule actions_module modules/
LoadModule alias_module modules/
LoadModule asis_module modules/
LoadModule auth_basic_module modules/
#LoadModule auth_digest_module modules/
#LoadModule authn_alias_module modules/
#LoadModule authn_anon_module modules/
#LoadModule authn_dbd_module modules/
#LoadModule authn_dbm_module modules/
LoadModule authn_default_module modules/
LoadModule authn_file_module modules/
#LoadModule authnz_ldap_module modules/
#LoadModule authz_dbm_module modules/
LoadModule authz_default_module modules/
LoadModule authz_groupfile_module modules/
LoadModule authz_host_module modules/
#LoadModule authz_owner_module modules/
LoadModule authz_user_module modules/
LoadModule autoindex_module modules/
#LoadModule cache_module modules/
#LoadModule cern_meta_module modules/
LoadModule cgi_module modules/
#LoadModule charset_lite_module modules/
#LoadModule dav_module modules/
#LoadModule dav_fs_module modules/
#LoadModule dav_lock_module modules/
#LoadModule dbd_module modules/
#LoadModule deflate_module modules/
LoadModule dir_module modules/
#LoadModule disk_cache_module modules/
#LoadModule dumpio_module modules/
LoadModule env_module modules/
#LoadModule expires_module modules/
#LoadModule ext_filter_module modules/
#LoadModule file_cache_module modules/
#LoadModule filter_module modules/
#LoadModule headers_module modules/
#LoadModule ident_module modules/
#LoadModule imagemap_module modules/
LoadModule include_module modules/
#LoadModule info_module modules/
LoadModule isapi_module modules/
#LoadModule ldap_module modules/
#LoadModule logio_module modules/
LoadModule log_config_module modules/
#LoadModule log_forensic_module modules/
#LoadModule mem_cache_module modules/
LoadModule mime_module modules/
#LoadModule mime_magic_module modules/
LoadModule negotiation_module modules/
#LoadModule proxy_module modules/
#LoadModule proxy_ajp_module modules/
#LoadModule proxy_balancer_module modules/
#LoadModule proxy_connect_module modules/
#LoadModule proxy_ftp_module modules/
#LoadModule proxy_http_module modules/
#LoadModule proxy_scgi_module modules/
#LoadModule reqtimeout_module modules/
LoadModule rewrite_module modules/
LoadModule setenvif_module modules/
#LoadModule speling_module modules/
#LoadModule ssl_module modules/
#LoadModule status_module modules/
#LoadModule substitute_module modules/
#LoadModule unique_id_module modules/
#LoadModule userdir_module modules/
#LoadModule usertrack_module modules/
#LoadModule version_module modules/
#LoadModule vhost_alias_module modules/
LoadModule php5_module "c:/php/php5apache2_2.dll"

I also tried enabling php extensions, but this didn't make a difference either. Maybe something in the .htaccess file doesn't look right?

### Symphony 2.2.x ###
Options +FollowSymlinks -Indexes

<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>

    RewriteEngine on
    RewriteBase /www/

    ### SECURITY - Protect crucial files
    RewriteRule ^manifest/(.*)$ - [F]
    RewriteRule ^workspace/utilities/(.*).xsl$ - [F]
    RewriteRule ^workspace/pages/(.*).xsl$ - [F]
    RewriteRule ^(.*).sql$ - [F]

    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} favicon.ico [NC]
    RewriteRule .* - [S=14]

    RewriteRule ^image/(.+.(jpg|gif|jpeg|png|bmp))$ extensions/jit_image_manipulation/lib/image.php?param=$1 [L,NC]

    ### CHECK FOR TRAILING SLASH - Will ignore files
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !/$
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !(.*)/$
    RewriteRule ^(.*)$ $1/ [L,R=301]

    ### URL Correction
    RewriteRule ^(symphony/)?index.php(/.*/?) $1$2 [NC]

    RewriteRule ^symphony/?$ index.php?mode=administration&%{QUERY_STRING} [NC,L]

    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
    RewriteRule ^symphony(/(.*/?))?$ index.php?symphony-page=$1&mode=administration&%{QUERY_STRING}   [NC,L]

    ### FRONTEND REWRITE - Will ignore files and folders
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
    RewriteRule ^(.*/?)$ index.php?symphony-page=$1&%{QUERY_STRING}    [L]


Thanks a lot for the help.

Have you checked your virtual server setup? You must set:

AllowOverride All

Yes, thank you so much! I realise, this is something basic I should have known. At least I hope this would be useful to others with their local installation.


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Symphony • Open Source XSLT CMS

Server Requirements

  • PHP 5.3-5.6 or 7.0-7.3
  • PHP's LibXML module, with the XSLT extension enabled (--with-xsl)
  • MySQL 5.5 or above
  • An Apache or Litespeed webserver
  • Apache's mod_rewrite module or equivalent

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