
Please discuss the documentation for Using Extensions in this thread.

I might suggest calling this section something like “Using Extensions.” Beyond the Core is a bit vague. Using “extension” in the title would be a better scent word for new users.

Done and done.

Wow. That was fast. Thanks!

There is a markdown spelling mistake in this chapter:

If w or **h* *is set to zero, it will be resized proportionately to the other.

should be:

If w or h is set to zero, it will be resized proportionately to the other.

(notice the asterisks around the ‘h’)

What about a ‘Developing extensions’ page?

Here’s what I’ve got so far for some Extensions documentation. By the way, just click on the Text link and copy and paste the Markdown formatted text to insert whatever you think is worth pulling into the documentation.

Thank you Stephen. I’ll be working on it this weekend. I will say that in my opinion I don’t believe it’s a good idea to list extensions in the documentation to the extent you have done, simply because that is already done in the download section of the website. Since users can add extensions at will, it will always be the most up-to-date.

What about a ‘Developing extensions’ page?

I’ll be going through this weekend and listing all of the delegates available to extensions. That will help get things going.

I don’t believe it’s a good idea to list extensions in the documentation

I agree, Mark. It would be difficult to maintain an accurate, updated list. That’s why I was thinking you should pull only what you need. That part should definitely be excluded.

For my own needs, though, I just liked being able to see all the available extensions at a glance, rather than clicking through several pages on the downloads page. Plus, typing all the git clone commands became tedious, if I found myself at a different computer and needed to download all the most recent extensions.

Plus, typing all the git clone commands became tedious

I know! Try typing them one letter at a time with your pinky knuckle :-)

I’ve put up Stephen’s work on the doc page. Thanks Stephen!

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