
Here’s the latest installment for the DesignAdmin modules: Finances 0.1.

It may not be terribly useful at the moment, since all it does is record transactions. I’ll be figuring out what to do with the data next. And I’m still not entirely sure whether I should have Debits and Credits fields or just a single Amount field. I’m leaning toward two separate fields only for the sake of being able to easily total the columns.


Updated the ensemble from Symphony 2 Beta Revision 5 to Symphony 2.0 (zip download). It also includes a brief introduction to Symphony that provides a quick tour of the system.

According to you should use negative amounts for credits and positive amounts for debits. Almost all computer accounting applications use it. You could sort all negatives by looking for a - sign and only sum them up...

Thanks for all the work!

Thanks, carsten. Now I am leaning toward not having Debits and Credits fields and having a single Amount field. However, I didn't want to use negative values. But I realized I don't need to use negative values if I am using a double-entry accounting system. Except I won't be using two entries. I'll only have the one entry and specify two accounts: a Debit Account and a Credit Account.

This will require the ability to use two section links. One will be the actual section link and the other will be a text field that will be given an entry id value through a front end form that lists the relevant accounts with a list of select field options.

Then, I think I'll be able to set up a data source to filter by debits and one to filter by credits.

Calendar Ensemble 0.2

Updated the ensemble from Symphony 2 Beta Revision 5 to Symphony 2.0 (zip download). It also includes a brief introduction to Symphony that provides a quick tour of the system. (See above)

I really wanted to give this a go but get xslt errors on frontend because public-master.xsl and typography.xsl utilities are not included in the install. Probably just forgat them? Coudn't find the previous version to copy them from...

Also is there a way to update such an ensemble to 2.1 without recreating it from scratch?

Hmm. I've encountered this before when saving ensembles: missing files. Sorry, I didn't take the time to test the ensembles before publishing. I'll be moving things to GitHub so this won't be a problem in the future.

I was going to update to the latest Symphony build as well. So, I'll probably commit the existing version, then apply the fixes needed for the ensemble to work with Symphony 2.0.2. I expect that updates should be fairly seamless (no rebuilding from scratch necessary), but I need to work through the changes to the page alerts and CSS layout.

yes I am curious to see how the updatefeature in the new 2.0.1 will work... So 2.0.2 is around the corner? All my dev isntalls are 2.0.1, but in debug it says $symphony-build '271' you know how to interpret that build number?

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