
Has anyone successfully setup recurring dates for calendar events in their Symphony install? Or does anyone have know of XSLT utility that can deal with recurring dates? I’m trying to figure out the best way to approach it. Right now, I’ve got a creative block and am not knowing where to start.

Could you give an example of what you’re trying to do?

The EXSLT library has date functions — perhaps you could store a “master” date with an entry, and a Select Box to recur every “7 days, 14 days, 30 days”. At runtime you may be able to calculate these dates and differences between them. Close?

Nick, that’s exactly what I’m trying to do.

It’s for a list of events at my church. We have one-time events and then we have several events or meetings that recur weekly, monthly, every 2nd Monday of the month… stuff like that. (sort of similar to how Google handles recurring events). I’m moving my church’s website over to Symphony.

Actually, I remembered that Rowan did an extension for “repeating dates.” It calculates and outputs the next five upcoming dates in the xml. Since it’s not listed in his github extensions, I didn’t know if he was still keeping up with that extension.

I'd like this too..

i recently created a site for a local university for something similar to this. their requirements were a bit simpler than what you're describing, but exslt's date functions are definitely the way to go. the client would select a day of the week and a time. there was also a subsection manager field which held excluded dates for cancelled events.

for what it's worth, i would do what nick is describing and calculate your events at run time. if you're worried about a performance hit, one of my favorite things to do is dump all of that runtime logic into an xml pagetype page and use it as a dynamic xml data source with some caching.

if you need more, i'd be happy to share what i have from that site.

@fawx i like it, but I'm confused.. more ?

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