
Hi everyone,

I recently got a new (dv) server at MediaTemple and am now unable to install Symphony. On my (gs) I never had issues with the installations.

I was just wondering if anyone else has hit these issues and if they were able to solve them. The issue seems to be that the installer cannot write the config file, even after setting every directory to chmod 777. I’ve read some threads about this being an ownership issue and have talked to MediaTemple support about it, but no luck so far.

Any help would be appreciated, thanks.

You won’t get much help here mate. Expect it to be locked!

You won’t get much help here mate

I think that’s a pretty unfair way to repay all of our patience with helping you. The other thread was closed because it had run its course (mostly you replying to yourself when MediaTemple faltered).

Jonathan, not sure what the problem could be. What owner is assigned to the config directory, and indeed the rest of the files?

NickToye, that is an unacceptable spat. Moderators/Admin’s can, at their discretion close or delete irrelevant threads.

You’re not winning the hearts of the folks here, please reconsider your attitude towards members who have helped and continue to help you with your issues.

Well why close a thread when it does have something to do with Symphony. Others may have the same issue with MT and Symphony and the response I get from MT may help others.

I’m not here to win hearts, I have already told you an email what I do for Symphony outside of this community.


I’m not here to win hearts

You won’t. At least not with comments like that:

You won’t get much help here mate. Expect it to be locked!

If you talk to clients in such a bitter tone, you will loose them. If you talk to friends in this tone, you will loose them as well. And if you talk to the community here, what do you think will happen?

So please reconsider your attitude. Bitterness is no way.

I had a problem with uploading files.

Media Temple are adamant it is not them, Symphony then ask me to run a php upload script to test the server. I go back to Media Temple and they say they don’t support third parties.

Nick asks me to run a test, so I am going to do that today - but I can report back on whether or not it is the server or is Symphony because they have decided the matter is closed, when it clearly isn’t.

Some other people who use Symphony and MediaTemple may experience the same bug/glitch - and would maybe be interested in what solution I find. But they can’t, because the thread has been closed and the matter resolved.

If it’s me, because I made that Symphony is not commercially ready thread, then get over it - Symphony is only commercially ready if you have the backing of extension developers in house or on the payroll. And I hope those who have agreed with me outside of the forum would back me up.

But like I said earlier, I am not here to win hearts - this is business, it’s all about Time and Money, as I have been told quite recently.

I consider myself to be a contributor to Symphony, I just don’t do it here - I do it in the real world with clients, other developers, Web speakers.

I have recently been trying to get people to show more interest in Symphony over EE, because I see the potential.

So please don’t tell me that I am out of order, or I have a bad attitude. Don’t persecute me.

The owner of all the files is me, with a group of psacln. The config script creates the other files and they’re being set with the owner/group apache. Also I had to set the files/directories to 777 to get it to run, but the installer makes its directories 775, which I believe where the problem lies, although having to set everything to 777 should be a problem in itself.

Alright, I found a temporary solution. Since the installation works fine on my old grid-server (gs) account, I installed the application there. Then copied over the installation and database and modified the configuration file.

I still get some errors that I’m unable to write to disk for some actions, but a change of the specified directory to chmod 777 will correct that.

Like I said, I regard this as a temporary solution and any help would still be appreciated.

Problem solved.

I didn’t realize that the defaults for the server turn php safe-mode on. A simple change to that and everything ran smoothly.

Thanks to everyone for their time and help.

Cool. Good to hear that you identified the problem. I will try to remember this when I stumble upon a similar issue!

I can report that aside from this problem (which I had too — sorry, didnt see this in time), MT is a great host. I have about 6 copies of Symphony running on my DV rage package with them, and they are all running smoothly. Its a great host.

i just tried installing v2.0.2 on a (dv) server, and after install, trying to log into the backend, i get this error:

Line 51 – Could not find Field selectbox_link at /field.selectbox_link.php. 
If the Field was provided by an Extension, ensure that it is installed, and enabled.

this strikes me as odd b/c the error seems to be looking for the file from the root directory instead of some sub folder, which i would think it would. my install was from the download from the homepage.

any clues?

Can you verify that the extension is enabled, and that the folder and its contents exist?

i just took the default download from the homepage here and uploaded all its contents. I also just reuploaded the extensions folder from another 2.0.2 i downloaded before, but still getting the same error. not sure why it’s giving me a fuss over this though since i have another install on the same box.

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