
After the successful installation, I have url’s like: How can I “” removed.

I use virtual host: VirtualHost *: 80> Server Admin Server Name DocumentRoot “E:/xampp/htdocs/symphony” ErrorLog “E:xampphtdocssymphonylogserror_log </ VirtualHost>

Thank you

Thank you.

Hi Asosking,

Welcome! I’m not sure what you are asking. What are you trying to change in the urls that Symphony is creating?

Oh sorry! The URL look like this: http://www.domain.tld\/symphony/ - and this is wrong. Backslash in the last post will be removed-not my fault

Thank you

Ok I have tried it again: In my host file in Windows folder, the following entry made: This is my virtual host file:

DocumentRoot "c:/xampp/xampp/htdocs/symphony/"

Now I get the page: but the Archives and About pages are sought. Please I would like to incorporate symphony, but I must create this installation. Thank you

Take a look at the .htaccess files. There should be one in your site root, as well as the subfolder ‘symphony’. If you get the site homepage, but not any other pages, the redirects (set up in .htaccess) may not be working.

Also, keep in mind that your site root is 1 level above the ‘symphony’ folder that is included in the symphoy installation. So in order for your VirtualHost to be correct, you’ll need this directory structure:

  • htdocs

    • symphony (your site/doc root that you created)
      • extensions
      • symphony (the symphony application files)
      • workspace
      • etc…

    If the extensions, workspace, and other folders are actually located in your htdocs folder, you’ll want to edit your virtualhost or put thyem all in another ‘symphony’ folder.

Hello ashooner, again many thanks for the effort. I am now a completely new installation to make. Should I use the localhost or from directly from my domain: I have another question: is my VirtualHost ok? I’m looking for a suitable CMS, and have everything on my webserver and have a dyndns domain on.Ich have the same settings for virtual host for eg Typo3 and it does everything - but I am not a professional so my questions.

Ok new instalation with original files (nothing change) ist ready. If i call the localhost URL eg: http://localhost/symphony everthing is OK, BUT if i try the i see the homepage (without css styles) and the eg about site is under\/about/ and this Adress is wrong(good:

So it looks like your Symphony install is working, but it is not working with your VirtualHost configuration. I am not an expert on Apache configuration, and I have never done it on Windows, so I’m not sure what your next step should be. a quick Google came up with this and this.

I’m not sure you want to change your Apache config too much is you have other VirtualHosts that are working correctly.

Like I say, I’m not an expert, but if you are still having trouble and post your whole httpd-vhosts.conf file, we can give it a try.

I have the same problem. Thread bookmarked. :-)

So I did it slowly fed. Where does this “\” character at the end of the urls. On my test server (using dyndns) are now 6 (six) CMS systems. In my host / virtual host, I always use the same settings and all addresses work. With Symphony everything works beautifully on: http://localhost/symphony or Only when direct call: Although the Home page is displayed but without CSS. Have /?debug=params appended to the address and root shows:\ And workspace:\/workspace. Although I am reluctant to admit but I am slowly losing all hope. This is 2 of my CMS Test Systems Virtual Host:

    -VirtualHost *:80-

ServerAdmin ServerName DocumentRoot “E:/xampp/htdocs/drupal” ErrorLog E:/xampp/htdocs/drupal/logs/error_log -VirtualHost- -VirtualHost *:80- ServerAdmin ServerName DocumentRoot “E:/xampp/htdocs/phenotype/htdocs” ErrorLog “E:/xampp/htdocs/phenotype/logs/error_log -Directory “E:/xampp/htdocs/phenotype/” - Order Deny,Allow Allow from all AllowOverride All Options -Indexes FollowSymLinks -Directory- -VirtualHost-

And this is symphony: -VirtualHost :80- ServerAdmin ServerName DocumentRoot “E:/xampp/htdocs/symphony” ErrorLog “E:/xampp/htdocs/symphony/logs/error_log ServerPath /symphony/ RewriteEngine On RewriteRule ^(/symphony/.) /htdocs/symphony$1 -Directory “E:/xampp/htdocs/symphony”- Order Deny,Allow Allow from all AllowOverride All Options -Indexes FollowSymLinks -Directory- -VirtualHost-

Can someone help me?

phoque Have you ever found a solution?

wjnielsen in this thread is having the same problem. i’ve tried to help, but I’m running into a dead end. can anyone help direct us on how to get this encoded backslash in the URL (%5c) removed?


DocumentRoot "c:/xampp/xampp/htdocs/symphony/"

Please confirm that you do in fact have C:/xampp/xampp/htdocs/… Out of the box Xampp has your htdocs/ directory in the root C:/xampp/htdocs/ directory.

That might be your problem.


If you would try and format your code blocks so that they are a little more readable (i.e., so that those trying to help don’t have an aneurysm trying to make sense out of what you posted) I think you might find more help.

Here’s a basic virtual host code block that should work fine for local development.

<VirtualHost *:80>
    DocumentRoot C:/xampp/htdocs/symphony/
    ServerAdmin admin@localhost

The slash that is added between your DOMAIN and the directories is being added, from what I can tell, via the .htaccess file. There are differences that we are working through here between the Symphony 2.02 and current versions.

I will not post any more in this thread, so that the main INSTALLATION ISSUES thread can be the concentrated repository for installation issues like these.

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