
I Think I may be missing a step in the process of moving a site made with Symphony from a local testing environment to a live host. Why is it that if I Export Ensemble, and install Symphony using the exported ensemble, I can’t get Symphony to recognize the existence of Sections, or Pages? Do I have to recreate these on the Live site? I remember in older versions of Symphony you needed to let Symphony know to update itself with the fresh/new Sections/Pages/Components/etc. What am I not doing? Thanks for any feedback!

I have a feeling there may be a bug in the exporter which is not exporting the section/field structure details.

The work around for now would be to manually create a database dump and import them to your live server. We’ll have a look at fixing this bug tomorrow.

What version of Symphony 2 are you using?

I’m using the latest version, freshly downloaded only a few days ago.

Allen, I did exactly that, and the Page/Sections are now being registered within Symphony. Question: When a site is exported as an ensemble is the install.php file supposed to be created in such a way as to populate the DB with the appropriate Section and Page linkages and information?

Question: When a site is exported as an ensemble is the install.php file supposed to be created in such a way as to populate the DB with the appropriate Section and Page linkages and information?

Yes, it’s supposed to.

Symphony should only install the “bare bones” db structure if you leave out the workspace folder when you install. Otherwise, it will install everything as you had originally packaged it.

elixai, was your copy of Symphony installed via Git or the downloadable archive on the front page?

I’ve got the same problem. When I checked the install.sql file in my exported workspace I noticed that it only contains the content for a fresh Symphony install with the default template etc. Shouldn’t it contain the content I created and the data for the pages I created?

btw: I used the downloadable archive from the symphony-cms frontpage.

Thanks for your help!

My copy was downloaded from the frontpage site not the repository.

Fairly certain this problem was addressed in version 1.7 of the Export Ensemble extension (now at v1.9) and in the Symphony 2.0.5 update.

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